Adding Documents to Proposals
  • 25 Mar 2022
  • 1 minute to read
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Adding Documents to Proposals

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Article summary

You can add documents to any of your proposals. Proposal documents are shared with customers and they can download them as they receive the proposal. You can also ask them to digitally sign documents such as contracts or agreements.

Proposal documents can fall in one of two categories:

You need to create document templates before adding them to proposals.

Adding Document Templates to Proposals

You can add files based on document templates. You can choose to add with or without e-signature to any of your proposals.
For example, you can include a contract that your customers should sign when they accept the proposal.

If you want to request e-signatures, you need to enable the Digital Signature in your location.
  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click CRM > Proposals.

  3. Click the proposal you want to edit.

  4. Click on the Documents tab.

  5. To include a document without signature in your proposal, select a document template from the Attached document template drop-down list.

  6. To include a document that requires a signature in your proposal, select a document template from the Document to e-sign template drop-down list.

  7. Click the Save Changes button.

You've successfullly added documents to your proposal. You can preview your proposal to make sure the documents are displayed as intended.

Customers will be able to download the documents before

Adding Marketing Files to Proposals

You can also add marketing files to your proposals. Marketing files can be any promotional content that you'd like to share with the customer receiving the proposal. They'll be able to download it as they review the proposal

You can add one marketing file per proposal.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click CRM > Proposals.

  3. Click the proposal you want to edit.

  4. Click on the Documents tab.

  5. Click Select file under the Marketing file field.

  6. Select a PDF file from your device and click Open.

  7. Click the Save Changes button.

You've successfully added a marketing file to your proposal. The customer receiving the proposal will be able to

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