Booking On-site Training
  • 14 Sep 2023
  • 1 minute to read
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Booking On-site Training

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Article summary

Booking on-site training is a simple three-step process:

  1. Request a quote for the training
  2. Book a briefing session with your trainer(s)
  3. Get ready to learn!

Step 1. Request a quote

The first step is to reach out to and request a quote for your training session. Make sure you let us know:

  • How many people you'd like to train
  • Where you are located
  • How many full or half days of training you'd like

Our team will assess your request and requirements and send you a quote for your training session.

Step 2. Book a briefing session with your trainer(s)

Once you accept our quote, your trainer will reach out via email to know more about your space and your training needs. This is an opportunity to let them know what you'd like to cover on-site and have them answer any question you may have regarding the training. This consultation also helps your trainer prepare your session and target specific areas that you want to cover.

Step 3. Get ready to learn!

Once our trainer has all the information they need from you, they'll start preparing your training session. On the day of the training, make sure you provide your trainer with the relevant credentials to access your space.

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