Editing the app.js File
  • 20 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Editing the app.js File

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Article summary

The app.js file lets you inject scripts in the <head> of every page on the Members Portal.

No need to wrap the page with <script>, we automatically do it for you.

The file has access to the global jQuery variable $ .

$(function() {

You can also access a read-only state of the app using the global variable nexudus.




         "Name":"Kalkio Space - East Side",
         "Address":"1-3 Brixton Road, \r\nSW9 6DE\r\nLondon",
            "Name":"United States",
            "Name":"US Dollar (USD)",
            "Name":"GMT Standard Time",

         "BillingName":"Kalkio Space",
         "BillingAddress":"1-3 Brixton Road",
         "BillingPostCode":"SW9 6DE",
            "Name":"About us.js",
            "Title":"About us",

         "Footer.SayingAuthor":"L. A Seneca",
         "Footer.SayingText":"Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body",
         "HomePage.BannerSmallText":"Space / Community / Services",
         "HomePage.BannerText":"Welcome to {0}",
         "HomePage.BenefitsLongText":"All members enjoy discounted rates, credits and benefits as part of their membership.",
         "HomePage.BenefitsShortText":"Benefits and discounts",
         "HomePage.BookingsLongText":"Real-time availability for all our meeting rooms. Request and manage bookings online.",
         "HomePage.BookingsShortText":"Conference Rooms",
         "HomePage.ChildCareLongText":"Professional childcare services available from the age of two.",
         "HomePage.ClaimSmallTextLogin":"Let's complete your profile, shall we?",
         "HomePage.ClaimSmallTextLogout":"Let's get started, shall we?",
         "HomePage.ClaimText":"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity",
         "HomePage.CommunityLongText":"Easily connect with other members of the community. Use the directories to find the right skills and promote your services.",
         "HomePage.CommunityShortText":"Online member network",
         "HomePage.EventsLongText":"Connect and learn in our curated events and meet-ups.",
         "HomePage.EventsShortText":"Weekly events",
         "HomePage.FooterClaimText":"A Place to develop your dreams",
         "HomePage.WorkSpaceLongText":"Flexible plans from hot-desks all the way to your own private room or office.",
         "HostedPayments.Provider1.Name":"Simple Pay",
         "Legal.Cookies":"Your cookie policy goes here",
         "Legal.Privacy":"Your privacy policy goes here",
         "Legal.VisitorTermsAndConditions":"# Ausus me exclamat qui tradit\n\n## Verbis infans occumbere repandus exigui pharetra ut\n\nLorem markdownum erat amplectitur proxima Venerem; frugum levati. **Sequitur\nadiere inrita** ubi **habenas**, Cyllenius spumas vultusque mixtos? Terram iubet\nincessere properatis Haec Actaeis. Idcirco *vos*, crimina: penetrale mecum\n*omnipotens tibi monstri* fames prehensis ita, celeri cognoscere licet mirantur\nilla.\n\nTorumque tetigit orsa, et discedet tantum qui Tirynthia superos, pectoribusque.\nTantorum et ipsa marem, quod Troiae, spectabilis, iacent, obsistitur olorinis.\nSacra suos distinguunt lateque caesa [dederat\nprimas](http://www.ut-enim.com/posce-postquam) se replet medium concustodita\ncaligine spem patrios! Modo vultu Cereris: verbaque debueram, formamque quoque.\nSi medius et cara Lycisce; dic vulnere non bene Nabataeaque *eadem adunca*, duos\ncandidioribus ordo stirpe captivarumque.",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.ByeByeMessage":"We hope you enjoyed your stay.",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.DoYouHaveVisitorCodeMessage":"Do you have a visitor code?",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.HomeMessage":"What is your quest...?",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.IamAMemberMessage":"I AM A MEMBER",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.IamVisitorMessage":"I AM A VISITOR",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.TapToStartMessage":"TAP TO START",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.WelcomeEvent":"Enjoy the event!",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.WelcomeMember":"Enjoy your stay!",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.WelcomeMessage":"Welcome to {0}",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.WelcomeTitle":"Welcome to {0}!",
         "MobileApp.FrontDesk.Checkin.WelcomeVisitor":"We have let your host know you are here.",
         "Website.CustomJS":"//Use this file to inject scripts in the of every page\n\n$(function() {\n    console.log(JSON.stringify(nexudus))\n})",
         "Website.CustomCSS":"/* Use this file to inject additional CSS in the of every page */\r\nbody {\r\n\r\n}",
         "Website.CustomHead":"/*\r\nUse this array to add additional link, meta and script tags to the of every page.\r\nUse app.js to run write and run custom scripts.\r\n[\r\n    {\r\n        \"type\": \"script\",\r\n        \"src\": \"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.27.0/moment.min.js\",\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n        \"type\": \"meta\",\r\n        \"name\": \"nx-header\",\r\n        \"content\": \"dummy\",\r\n    }\r\n]\r\n*/"


         "FullName":"John Doe",
         "FullName":"John Doe",
         "InvoicingSpaceName":"Kalkio Space - East Side",
         "HomeSpaceName":"Kalkio Space - East Side",

         "BillingName":"David Smith",
         "BillingAddress":"Not Available",
         "BillingPostCode":"Not Available",
         "BillingCityName":"Not Available",
         "BillingState":"Not Available",
         "AddressForInvoice":"Not Available",
         "PostCodeForInvoice":"Not Available",
         "CityForInvoice":"Not Available",
         "StateForInvoice":"Not Available",
         "FullNameForInvoice":"David Smith",

























































Accessing the app.js File

In order to access and edit the app.js file, you must be a full unrestricted admin or a restricted admin with a role that includes the TemplateFiles and TemplateVersion permissions.

You can easily create a role for web developers working on your template files using our built-in template. This role lets them work with template files while also limiting their access to other areas of the Admin Panel.

For more information, check out Creating Accounts for Developers.

Router Object

You can access the router object using the next.router variable.

Request Interceptors

You can hook into the lifecyle all requests sent by the app. This can help you track things such as user activity and behavior on the site. The 'pre' interceptor runs before the request is sent. The 'post' interceptor runs after the request is completed.

All requests are sent using the superagent library.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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