Deferred Revenue Reports
  • 12 Aug 2022
  • 1 minute to read
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Deferred Revenue Reports

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Article summary

Deferred Revenue reports are useful for accounting purposes. Deferred revenue is revenue your space collects from customers for a service or product that hasn't been paid in full yet.

For example, members invoiced $1000 for their plan on the 1st of every month. The invoice is paid but it isn't considered regular revenue until you provide the benefits defined in the customer's contract for the full duration of the invoice period.

Deferred Revenue By Month

This report includes:

  • Deferred revenue per customer, per month
  • Deferred revenue tax subtotal per month for each customer
  • Deferred revenue subtotal without tax per month for each customer

Deferred Revenue By Month and Item

This report includes:

  • Deferred revenue per Nexudus item, per month
  • Deferred revenue tax subtotal per month for each Nexudus item
  • Deferred revenue subtotal without tax per month for each Nexudus item

Deferred Revenue By Month and Line

This report includes:

  • Deferred revenue per Nexudus invoice line item, per month
  • Deferred revenue tax subtotal per month for each Nexudus invoice line item
  • Deferred revenue subtotal without tax per month for each Nexudus invoice line item

Deferred Revenue By Month Details

This report includes:

  • Deferred revenue per Nexudus invoice, per month
  • Deferred revenue tax subtotal per month for each Nexudus invoice
  • Deferred revenue subtotal without tax per month for each Nexudus invoice

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