5. Creating Customers & Teams
  • 30 Aug 2023
  • 2 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

5. Creating Customers & Teams

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Now that we've covered customer notification, you can start adding customers and teams to your account.


Depending on the size of your customer base, you have two options to add customers to Nexudus.

Importing Customers

If you have over 30 customers to add to your space, you should use our import tool to save time. Imports rely on a CSV file. The file includes a set number of columns that match fields in Nexudus. You fill out the spreadsheet with all your customers data and Nexudus then creates their account by matching each row's details to the relevant fields in customer accounts.

The import process is fairly simple:

  • You download a CSV import file on the Admin Panel.
  • You add all your customers' data to the file
  • You format the file's data based on our recommendations
  • You upload the import file on the Admin Panel.

For more information, check out Importing Data to Nexudus

Our Support team can also import your customer base for you.

Just download the file and add your customer's data before sending out the file at support@nexudus.com.

Creating Customers

If you have less than 30 customers to add to your account, you can easily create their accounts using our Multiple customers or Manual Entry templates.

For more information, check out Adding Members and Adding Contacts.


Teams are a great way to group customers who work for the same company or who are part of the same structure.

Teams can have individual invoicing, where each team member is invoiced for their own purchases, or use merged invoicing. Merged invoicing automatically adds all purchases made by members of the team to a designated team paying customer. The team paying customer is invoiced for all their team's purchases when their own contracts are renewed.

For example, a team paying customer with a contract renewing on the 1st of each month will be invoiced for their purchases and their whole team's purchases on the 1st. This includes all plans, products, tickets, and any other charge accrued by every member of the team by default.

You can also easily create a team and add customers to it in two steps using our handy Company Structures.

Company structures let you create the following records in just two steps:

  • a team
  • a company customer account automatically assigned as the team's paying customer
  • an individual customer account that allows the team paying customer to have their own account
  • any number of new customers assigned as team members

This option is ideal for companies that want to use merged invoicing and have a team leader who wants to be able to use both a company and an individual account.

For more information, check out Teams.

Once you've added your customers and teams, you can move to the next step - 6. Customizing Your Members Portal & Apps.

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