- 03 May 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- OscuroLigero
Adding Office365 Email Accounts
- Actualizado en 03 May 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- OscuroLigero
You add Office 365 and Outlook Calendar email accounts to any of your locations. When customers email the connected account, their messages are automatically added to their account in Nexudus.
Once you've connected an Office 365 and Outlook Calendar email account, Nexudus scans that account's inbox every 15 minutes for new messages. All messages including an email address that matches a customer in Nexudus, messages are automatically added to the relevant customer's account under CRM > Messages on the Admin Panel.
All you need to get started is the email address and password of the account you want to connect to Nexudus.
Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.
Click CRM > Email accounts.
Click Add email account.
Click on the Office 365 Exchange tile.
Add the Name of the user connected to the email account.
Add the Email address you want to connect to Nexudus.
Add the Password of the email you want to connect to Nexudus.
Click Add email account.
All done, the relevant email account is now connected to your location. Any new email exchange between a customer and this email will automatically be added to the customer's account under CRM > Messages.