- 28 Apr 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- OscuroLigero
Booking Status
- Actualizado en 28 Apr 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- OscuroLigero
All bookings in your Bookings calendar have one of five statuses at anygiven point in time. Each status is explained below to help you understand the different stages of every booking.
Bookings are tentative if your location's settings require an admin to confirm bookings made by members, contacts or both. You can easily enable or disable this admin confirmation via Settings > Bookings and calendar settings on the Admin Panel.
Bookings can automatically be confirmed when customers book via the Members Portal or admins book for customers Admin Panel. You can also require all bookings made by customers on the Members Portal to be manually confirmed by an admin.
Bookings are usually charged shortly after being confirmed. A charged booking means that the price of the booking was added to the customer's account. Charged bookings haven't been invoiced yet. When customers are invoiced for their bookings depends on:
- your Bookings and calendar settings available under Settings > Bookings and calendar settings > Charges & payments
- whether customers are members or contacts
- whether the booking was made via the Admin Panel or the Members Portal
A booking is invoiced as soon as an invoice including booking charges is issued for the customer. Based on your settings under Settings > Bookings and calendar settings > Charges & payments, when bookings are invoiced will vary.
Admins can also manually invoice any charged booking in a few clicks on the Admin Panel. For more information, check out Invoicing Bookings.
Once invoiced bookings are paid by customers, it automatically switches to Paid. This is the last status of all your bookings on the Admin Panel.