Bookings Notifications
  • 16 Nov 2021
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

Bookings Notifications

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

You can customize the notifications sent to members or contacts when they make a booking. These notifications are accessible via Settings > Email template editor on the Admin Panel.


The following email templates are dedicated to bookings:‌

  • Booking cancelled
  • Booking cancelled for visitors
  • Booking confirmation
  • Booking confirmation for Visitors
  • Booking reminder
  • Booking termination confirmation

Booking cancelled

This notification is automatically sent to customers when one of their bookings is cancelled. This applies to bookings canceled by an admin on the Admin Panel or by the customer through their account on the Members Portal.

Booking cancelled for visitors

This notification is automatically sent to booking attendees when one of their bookings is cancelled. This applies to bookings canceled by an admin on the Admin Panel or by the hosting customer through their account on the Members Portal.

Booking confirmation

This notification is automatically sent to customers when one of their bookings is confirmed. This applies to bookings made on the Admin Panel and the Members Portal. If your space doesn't require admin confirmation for bookings, the notification is sent within a few minutes. If your space requires admin confirmation for bookings, the notification won't be sent until an admin confirms the customer's booking.

Booking confirmation for Visitors

This notification is automatically sent to booking attendees when one of their bookings is confirmed. This applies to bookings made on the Admin Panel and the Members Portal. If your space doesn't require admin confirmation for bookings, the notification is sent within a few minutes. If your space requires admin confirmation for bookings, the notification won't be sent until an admin confirms the customer's booking.

Booking reminder

This notification is automatically sent to customers a number of minutes before their booking starts. You can define how far in advance they should receive the notification via Settings > Bookings and calendar settings.


Booking termination confirmation

This notification is automatically sent to customers to confirm the end of their booking via NexBoard

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