  • 23 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

The Community section of the Admin Panel lets you build and foster community in your space. It also helps you collect customer feedback and share information with them.


The Community section includes the following features:


Articles lets you publish content to a dedicated section on your Members Portal.

FAQ Articles

FAQ articles let you answer common questions through dedicated articles that are available to anyone with access to your Members Portal.


Perks let you offer discounts and other types of perks in partnership with other businesses.


Courses let you offer training on any topic of your choice to customers.


Events let you create and sell tickets for events that your space organizes.

Discussion Boards

Discussion boards let your customers and admins have conversations on the Members Portal.


Surveys help you collect and analyze customer feedback.

Virtual Rooms

Virtual rooms let your customers and/or their team use virtual meeting rooms to chat via videoconference.


Newsletters let you keep subscribers posted on what's happening in your space.

What's Next
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Eddy AI, que facilita el descubrimiento de conocimiento a través de la inteligencia conversacional