Creating Roles
  • 19 Apr 2022
  • 3 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Creating Roles

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

The first step to use user roles is to create the roles on the Admin Panel.
All roles include a comprehensive set of permissions. Each permission covers specific areas of the Admin Panel that can be made available to admin users.

Each permission includes a set of action points that define which actions can be performed by a user assigned that role. The available actions points are:

  • LIST - access the listings related to the permission
  • READ - access the records related to the permission
  • CREATE - create new records related to the permission
  • CHANGE - edit existing records related to the permission
  • DELETE - delete existing records related to the permission

There's also an ALL option that lets you tick all the action points of each permission in just a click.

You can create roles using one of our templates. You also have the option to create a custom role based on one of the template or start from scratch and define every single permission available.

Roles are available in all locations within your network by default.

All role you create in a location can be assigned to users in any other location.

Templated Roles

Templates are the easiest option to create roles. Nexudus has an array of roles that cover common staff profiles and responsibilities in most spaces. Templates are ready to use and don't require any edits to be functional. You have the option to use them as a base to create custom roles.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Add role.

  3. Name your role.

  4. Tick the checkbox next to one or more of the Role templates.

Roles templates can be combined.

For example, you can create a role that only includes the Reception role for receptionists and then create a second role that combines both the Reception and the Finance roles for the reception managers to let them access customers finance sections.

  1. Click the Save Changes button.

All set! Your new role can now be assigned to any of your users.

Custom Roles Based on Templates

You can create custom roles using one of our templates as a starting point before editing the relevant permissions.

For example, you'd like to use the Reception role template, but you want to go over all the available permissions to make sure reception staff can't perform some actions on certain records.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Add role.

  3. Name your role.

  4. Tick the checkbox next to one or more of the Role templates.

Roles templates can be combined.

For example, you can create a role that only includes the Finance role for your accountants and then create a second role that combines both the Sales and the Finance roles for a sales manager.

  1. Tick/untick all the action points of every relevant permission.
Permissions work individually.

If we take Bookings as an example, the following setup will:

  • let the user see, create, edit and delete bookings
  • let the user see booking notes and products but not add, edit or delete them

The user also won't see any visitors or attendees added to bookings.


  1. Click the Save Changes button.

All set! Your new role can now be assigned to any of your users.

Custom Roles

You can create new roles from scratch and define the action points you want to tick for every available permission.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Add role.

  3. Name your role.

  4. Tick the checkbox next to Dashboard.

All roles need the permissions included in this template to access the Admin Panel.
  1. Tick all the relevant action points for every listed permission.
Permissions work individually.

If we take Bookings as an example, the following setup will:

  • let the user see, create, edit and delete bookings
  • let the user see booking notes and products but not add, edit or delete them

The user also won't see any visitors or attendees added to bookings.


  1. Click the Save Changes button.

All set! Your new role can now be assigned to any of your users.

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