  • 31 May 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro


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Resumen del artículo

What are Deliveries?

Deliveries are simply records of packages you collected for customers. Most space, especially if they offer private and shared offices, will often receive packages that customers get delivered there. Nexudus helps you process those deliveries and streamline the collection process.

How Deliveries Work

You have two options to process customer deliveries in Nexudus:

Processing via the Admin Panel

You can manually add deliveries to the system and assign them to customers from the Admin Panel. You will need to manually upload the delivery labels and select the relevant customer.

Processing via the NexDelivery app

You can also use our free app, NexDelivery. The app automatically scans the package label and tries to match the name on the label to a customer in your account. You can then simply tap Upload to add the delivery to the Admin Panel.

Regardless of the processing method you use, as soon as a delivery is registered in Nexudus, customers will receive an email notification letting them know they have a delivery waiting for them.

Delivery Reminders

Customers can sometimes miss the initial email notification they receive when their delivery arrives, which is why we have a reminder trigger to help them remember to collect their delivery.

All you need to do is create a message macro with your customized reminder content and then set up a reminder that will automatically be sent out to customers who didn't collect their delivery after a number of days that you get to define.


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