Discounting Proposals
  • 02 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Discounting Proposals

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

You can discount any of the products and plans you include in your proposals.

Discounting products

You can easily discount proposal products by editing the price of the product. If you want to offer a recurring product at a discounted price for a month and charge the customers full price after that, you can do so by adding two products. You first add a discounted one off product that will be charged and invoiced as the customer's contract starts and then add a full price recurring product that you can start invoicing on the customer's next billing cycle.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click CRM > Proposals.

  3. Click on the relevant proposal.

  4. Click on the Products tab.

  5. Click Add product.

  6. Select the relevant Product.

  7. Edit the product's Price according to the discount you want to apply.

  8. Click the Save Changes button.

All set! If you just wanted to discount this product as a one off, you can move to discounting plans or even previewing your proposal.

If you want this product to be recurring after the initial discounted billing cycle, you can simply add the same product to the proposal, making sure you set it at recurring and start charging the product on the customer's next billing cycle to avoid charging them upfront twice.

  1. Click Add product.

  2. Select the relevant Product.

  3. Tick the Invoice this product... option.

  4. Select When contract is invoiced.

  5. Define the Repeat from date, making sure this date matches the customer's next invoice date.

For a contract starting on January 1st and renewing on the 1st of every month, you'd set the Repeat from date to February 1st.

  1. Click the Save Changes button.

All set! In this scenario, the customer will be charged for the discounted product on their first invoice and then charged full price for the product every time their contract is renewed.

Discounting Plans

Make sure you have applicable discount codes set up in your account before discounting proposals.

You can apply one discount per plan included in the proposal.
Avoid editing the price of a plan to apply discounts as it prevents any automated/scheduled changes for that plan.

This means that to upgrade/downgrade this customer's contract in the future, you'll need to manually cancel their current contract and set up a new contract instead of simply selecting another plan in the Next plan section of their current contract.


  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click CRM > Proposals.

  3. Click on the relevant proposal.

  4. Click on the Plans tab.

  5. Click on the relevant plan or on Add plan.

  6. Select the Discount you want to apply to the selected plan.

  7. Click the Save Changes button.

All set! You can repeat the process for other plans you want to include in the proposal.

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