Draft Invoices
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

Draft Invoices

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

What Are Draft Invoices

Draft invoices are documents that customers and admins can create to see what an invoice may look like without actually issuing an invoice.

For example, your added multiple charges to a customer leaving your space and you want to make sure all their cancelation charges are applied properly before issuing their last invoice.

Draft invoices are not legally binding — you cannot collect payments for them. Their main purpose is to see what an invoice will include with discounts and credits applied before officially issuing it.

How Draft Invoices Work

You can create draft invoices one of two ways.

Customers view their next invoice on the Members Portal

Customers can request a draft of their next invoice from the Members Portal. From there, they can click on View my next invoice to see a draft of their next invoice.

The draft invoice is automatically downloaded as a PDF on the customer's device. The file is named draft.pdf.

Admins create a draft invoice on the Admin Panel

Admins also have the option to create a draft invoice for any customer. You create a draft invoice the same way you would a regular one.

All you need to do to create a draft is enabling the Create invoice as draft toggle before clicking Save changes.


You can also enable the Send this invoice by email to the customer before saving your changes if you'd like to share that draft with the customer. Leave it disabled if you don't want the custoemr to see the draft.

Once that's done, you can check the invoice and tweak it as needed. As soon as you're happy with the draft, you can convert it to an actual invoice in a couple of clicks.


Draft Invoice Format

Draft invoices follow their own format and sequence that you can easily edit via Settings > Invoice and tax > Formatting on the Admin Panel.


Nexudus separates regular invoices reference from invoice draft references to avoid accounting and payment errors. You should keep the format of your draft invoices different from the format of your regular invoices.

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