Financial Accounts
  • 22 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

Financial Accounts

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Financial accounts help you categorize your space's revenue. They help improve your revenue reports and ensure parts of your space's revenue such as deposits aren't factored into calculations in the same way bookings or product sales would.

Financial accounts are also a necessary setup step when you use one of our accounting integrations to identify your invoices and your external accounting system.

Financial accounts aren't bank accounts and aren't linked to your bank details.

Financial Account Types

You must assign an account type to all the financial accounts you create in Nexudus. These account types help Nexudus calculate your space's revenue accurately.


Use this type of account for all items and services you sell to customers.

For example, all your plans and products should be assigned a Sales account.


Use this type of account for payments you receive through Nexudus.

For example, if you enable an accounting integration or implement transaction fees on card payment methods, you'll need at least one dedicated Payments account.


Use this type of account for deposits you collect in Nexudus via products.

For example, if your plans include a deposit product, you'll need a dedicated Desposits account.

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