Importing Resource Rates
  • 13 Sep 2024
  • 3 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Importing Resource Rates

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

You can easily import resource rates to Nexudus in a few steps on the Admin Panel.

Click on each of the steps below for step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Downloading the template

The first step of the process is to download the import template you'll use to add the resource rates. You can get this template from Settings > Imports on the Admin Panel.


  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Settings > Imports.

  3. Click on the Resource rates tab.

  4. Click on Download template.

The download should only take a few seconds. You'll find the template file in the Downloads folder of your device.

Step 2. Editing the template

The second step is to add your data to the import template. The example below illustrates how to do this in Excel, but you can use any spreadsheet tool that can open and edit CSV files.

  1. Open the import template file you've downloaded in Step 1.

You should see the column headers in row 1 and a few rows of dummy data underneath.


  1. Add your space's data in each column following the dummy data's template.
Need to include multiple resource rates on the same template?

Add each resource rate as its own row.

  1. Remove the dummy data rows from the import template, making sure you don't remove any of the column headers or leave an empty row before your data.

  2. Save your changes.

Always save your file as a CSV UTF-8 file.


You're now ready to format your data before the reupload.

Step 3. Formatting your template

The third step is to ensure your template is properly formatted for a successful import in Nexudus. Make sure you check the following formatting elements before uploading your import template.

Columns Including Existing Nexudus Items

All columns that include the name of items that already exist in your Nexudus account must always be an exact match in your import file. The spelling is case-sensitive and includes spacing.

For example, if a product's name in Nexudus is Notepad, the product name in your import file must be Notepad. Using alternative spellings such as Note Pad or notepad will result in an import failure.

YES or NO Columns

All columns that include YES or NO should always be uppercase.

Step 4. Uploading the edited template

The last step of the data import process is simply to upload your edited import template file back in Nexudus.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Settings > Imports.

  3. Click on the Resource rates tab.

  4. Click on Select file.

  5. Select your edited import template file.

  6. Click on Open.

The larger your file is, the longer it will take to upload.

  1. Click on Load preview.

  2. Click on Import data.

You've successfully imported your data into Nexudus.

Couldn't complete the import?

Check out our article on Troubleshooting Import Errors or get in touch with us at

Import columns explained

ColumnDetailsFormatRequired or Optional
LocationLocation where the resource rate is available.An exact match (case and spelling) with the relevant location in your Nexudus account.Required
NameName of the resource rate you are creating or updating.An exact match (case and spelling) if you're updating a resource rate.Required
DisplayOrderDisplay order of the resource rates.A whole number. Rates display in descending order.Required
PriceHow much the resource rate costs.A whole number or decimal.Required
ChargePeriodInterval of time Price is charged for.Choose from: 4 weeks, month, day, hour, use or week.Required
CurrencyCodeThe currency code for Price.3 letter code e.g. GBPRequired
ResourceTypeNameType of resource the rate applies to.An exact match (spelling and case) to an existing resource type.Required
FixedCostLengthHow long the fixed cost rate applies for.A whole number of minutes.Optional
FixedCostPriceHow much the fixed cost price for the resource rate is.A decimal number.Optional
MinLengthMinimum length of booking the resource rate applies to.A whole number of minutes.Optional
MaxLengthMaximum length of booking the resource rate applies to.A whole number of minutes.Optional
MaximumPriceMaximum price charged for resource rate.A decimal number.Optional
OnlyForContactsResource rate only applies to contacts.YES or NOOptional
OnlyForMembersResource rate only applies to members.YES or NOOptional
FinancialAccountCodeFinancial account associated with resource rate.An exact match (case and spelling) to a financial account.Required if Require all sales to have a financial account is toggled on under Settings > Invoices and tax > Chart.
TaxRateNameTax rate applicable to resource rate price.An exact match (case and spelling) to a tax rate.Required if Require all sales to have a defined rate is toggled on under Settings > Invoice and tax.
ExtraServiceIdResource rate's Id number.Must be a whole number.Optional

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