- 30 Jan 2024
- 1 Minuto para leer
- OscuroLigero
Klarna (Pay Now)
- Actualizado en 30 Jan 2024
- 1 Minuto para leer
- OscuroLigero
Klarna (Pay now) lets your customers pay for their Members Portal purchases as they check out. If you'd like to let them use Klarna features such as Pay in 30 days, you must enable Klarna (Pay Later).
Country Availability
- Europe
- United States
- Australia
- Sweden
To check if Klarna is available in your country, head over to Klarna's country availability list.
One-off Payments
Automated Payments
Enabling Klarna
All you need to enable Klarna (Pay now) are your Klarna Merchant userame (usually your email) and password.
Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.
Click on Settings > Payments and currency > Payment methods.
Search Klarna in the Available methods section.
Click on the Klarna tile with the card icon.
Add a Payment gateway name.
This is the name of the payment option as it will be displayed on the Members Portal.Add a Transaction fee if you'd like to charge customers using this payment method.
Most European countries, including the United Kingdom, do not allow businesses to charge customers for choosing to pay through a specific card payment method.
Add your Klarna Merchant Username and Password.
Click the Save Changes button.
All set! Klarna is now enabled as a payment method on your Members Portal. We recommend you test the payment method by making a purchase as a customer on the Members Portal using Klarna at checkout.