KPI Reports
  • 14 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

KPI Reports

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Bookings - Avg. Revenue Per Hour

This report includes the average hourly revenue of each resource month by month.

Bookings - By Time of Day

This report includes:

  • The total number of bookings per day for each resource
  • The total revenue generated per day for each resource
  • The number of bookings per hour of the day for each resource
Bookings placed before 6 a.m. and past 6p.m. are aggregated into two rows.
  • The average revenue generated per hour for each resource

Bookings - By Weekday

This report includes:

  • The total number of bookings per weekday for each resource
  • A pie chart comparing the popularity of the different week days


Bookings - Resource Usage

This report includes:

  • The total number of bookings per resource
  • The total number of hours of booking time per resource
  • The total revenue generated by each resource
  • A chart comparing the total booking time of each resource


Bookings - Resource Usage and Rev.

This report includes a bar chart that includes the number of bookings and the revenue generated every month for all your resources.


Bookings - User Type


  • The number and % of bookings made by members and contacts per month and resource
  • The number and % of bookings made via the Members Portal and the Admin Panel per month and resource
  • The total revenue generated by all customer bookings per month and resource

Bookings - Weekdays

This report includes a bar chart with the total number of bookings for all resources and the revenue generated on each week day over the selected time period.


Bookings - Weekdays & Resource

This report includes a bar chart with the total number of bookings for each resource per day of the week.


Churn Rate - Chart

This report includes a graph of the churn rate over the selected time period.


Churn Rate - Monthly

This report includes:

  • The total number of contract signups per month
  • The total number of contract renewals per month
  • The total number of contract cancellations per month

Churn Rate - Quarterly

This report includes:

  • The total number of contract signups per quarter
  • The total number of contract renewals per quarter
  • The total number of contact cancellations per quarter

Contracts Revenue

This report includes:

  • The revenue generated by contracts linked to floor plan items per month
  • The details of the floor plan item's name, area, capacity, size
  • The name of the customer linked to the contract

Revenue - By Month

This report includes the quantity of items sold and total revenue generated by each inventory item you sold each month within the selected time frame.

Inventory items that weren't sold at least once within the selected time frame aren't included in the report.

Revenue - By Space

This report includes the total revenue generated every month by each of your locations within the selected time frame.

Revenue - Monthly By Account

This report includes:

  • The total revenue generated for each financial account per month
  • The total number of item sold for each financial account per month
  • The total revenue generated by each customer per month
  • The total number of items sold to each customer per month

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