  • 27 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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What are Ledgers?

Ledgers are the logs of the financial transactions between your space and your customers.

How Ledgers Work

Ledgers let you know the balance between your space and your customers. The ledger balance can be positive, negative or 0.

  • A positive ledger balance means that the customer owes you.

A customer ledger of $3,000 means that the customer has $3,000 worth of unpaid or due invoices.

  • A negative ledger balance means that the customer has one or more credited payments.

A customer ledger of -$560 means that your customer has one or more credit notes worth $560 that Nexudus will automatically use to partially or fully cover their next invoice.

  • A ledger balance of 0 means that the customer doesn't have any unpaid/due invoices and no credited payments.

A customer ledger of $0 means that the customer currently has no unpaid or due invoices and no credited payments.

Ledgers Types

Nexudus has two ledgers: the general ledger that covers all transactions recorded in each of your locations and the customer ledger that covers all the transactions recorded for each of your customers.

Both ledgers are filtered to only display Payments and refunds by default. You can show all the transactions and the ledger balances by clicking on the Views menu and then selecting Show all.

General LedgerCustomer Ledger

General Ledger

The general ledger is a collection of all the financial transactions recorded in your location. You can access the general ledger by clicking Finance > Ledgers on the Admin Panel


The general ledger includes:

  • Invoice references
  • Transaction types
  • Customer names
  • Payment methods
  • Transaction dates
  • Transaction balances


Customer Ledger

The customer ledger is a collection of all financial transaction between your space and a specific customer. You can access any customer's ledger by clicking the Ledger tab in their account.

Each customer ledger includes:

  • Invoice refererences
  • Transaction types
  • Payment methods
  • Transaction dates
  • Balances

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