Members & Contacts Reports
  • 21 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

Members & Contacts Reports

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Contacts List - Active

This report includes a list of all the active contacts in your location.

Contacts List - Inactive

This report includes a list of all suspended contacts in your location.

Member & Contact Billing Information

This report includes a list of all your customers with their default payment method along with their billing details.

Member & Contact Profile Information

This report includes a list of all your customers with their professional profile information.

Member & Contacts List

This report includes a list of all your customers.

Member Registrations

This report includes a chart of new member registration by day for the selected time frame.

Member Renewals By Account

This report includes a list of all the planned plan renewals per financial account.

If you plans aren't assigned a financial account, they won't be included in this report.

Members & Contacts by Date

This report includes a list of all members and contacts, including when they first joined your space.

Members by Price Plan (chart)

This report includes a bar chart of the members signed up to the different plans in your inventory.

Members by Price Plan (list)

This report includes a list of the members signed up to the different plans in your inventory.

Members in Price Plans by Date

This report includes a list of all the members signed up to plans sorted by plan and joining date.

Members List - Active

This report includes a list of all the active members in your location.

Members List - Inactive

This report includes a list of all the suspended contacts in your location.

Next Invoice Amount

This report includes the amount that should be invoiced to each customer at the time you check the report. It includes contracts and any linked price schedule. It also includes charged bookings and any purchase that is pending invoicing.

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