Nexudus Explore
  • 17 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

Nexudus Explore

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

What Is Nexudus Explore?

Nexudus Explore is a reporting tool that lets you use existing reports and build your own to make more data-driven decisions.

Your space's data is organized into multiple dashboards with charts that give you insights on your space is doing in different areas of business, from bookings to help-desk requests.


Understanding Nexudus Explore Versions

Nexudus Explore comes in two versions:

Nexudus Explore

This version offers pre-built dashboards that you can filter to analyze different areas of your business.

Nexudus Explore Pro

This version includes the same pre-built dashboards that you can filter to analyze different areas of your business. It also lets you design and customize your own reports as well as save them.

We charge a flat rate of €/$/£100 per month for Nexudus Explore Pro along with a €/$/£25 charge per location in your Nexudus account.

You only need to enable Nexudus Explore Pro in your network location if you have more than one location.

For example, if you run a network of 3 locations in the United States, Nexudus Explore Pro will cost you $100 + $25x3 or $175 per month in total.

The table below summarizes what you can do with both versions:

FeaturesNexudus Explore StandardNexudus Explore Pro
Accessing DashboardsYESYES
Filtering DashboardsYESYES
Creating DashboardsNOYES
Building QueriesYESYES
Editing DashboardsNOYES

How Nexudus Explore Works

You first need to enable the feature via Analytics > Nexudus Explore on the Admin Panel. Once you've enabled Nexudus Explore or Nexudus Explore Pro, you can start using the dashboards from the Analytics section of the Admin Panel.

If you've enabled Nexudus Explore Pro, you can edit existing dashboards and create your own with queries.

If you decide to cancel your Nexudus Explore Pro subscription, don't forget to delete all you custom dashboards.

We will continue charging you for Nexudus Explore Pro as long as you have custom dashboards in your account.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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