Troubleshooting Xero
  • 09 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

Troubleshooting Xero

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Most common Xero transfer errors can easily be fixed by tweaking settings in Nexudus or Xero. If you cannot find your error in the list, you can always contact support for help.

Account code 'xxxx' is not a valid code for this document.

What it means

Nexudus couldn't match the financial account of one or several invoice items with an account in Xero.

How to fix the error

Open the invoice that couldn't be transferred and check the account assigned to every line item by clicking the pencil icon on the right.

Select the right account from the drop-down list, making sure the Nexudus account code matches an account code in Xero and click Save Changes.

Make sure that the line item with the wrong account code is also updated in your Nexudus chart of accounts. This will prevent errors on future invoices that include the same item.
Go to Settings > Invoices and tax > Chart, click the relevant item and select the right financial account for the item.

Account code or ID must be specified.

What it means

One or several items on the invoice don't have a financial account attached to them.

How to fix the error

Open the invoice and check the account assigned to every line item by clicking the pencil icon on the right.

Select an account from the drop-down list, making sure the Nexudus account code matches an account code in Xero and click Save Changes.

Make sure that the invoice items without a code are also updated in your Nexudus chart of accounts. This will prevent errors on future invoices that include the same items.

Go to Settings > Invoices and tax > Chart, click the relevant item and select a financial account for the item.

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