Web Templates Editor
  • 24 May 2022
  • 2 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Web Templates Editor

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

What Is the Web Templates Editor?

Nexudus is a white-label solutioon that lets you edit the code of your Members Portal to make it your own. Editing the template files used to build your Members Portal is advanced customization. You need a background in web development or hire someone who does.

How the Web Templates Editor Work

All the files required to edit your Members Portal design and layout are available through Settings > Web templates editor.

All the template files available in the editor can be edited by any full unrestricted admin user. Restricted admin users with a role that includes the relevant permissions can also edit the template files. We recommend you create a restricted admin user for developers.

For more information, check out Creating Accounts for Developers.

The way you edit the template files depends on the version of the Members Portal you currently use.

Not sure which version of the Members Portal you use?      
Check out our guide on Finding Your Members Portal Version.

Once you know which version you use, you can follow our guides on advanced customization.

Editor's Menu

The editor has a menu on the left side of the page that lets you navigate between different folders and files.


Built-in files

This folder contains the following default files:

  • app.js
  • dashboard.htm
  • head.js
  • invoice.htm
  • statement.htm
  • styles.css

Pages & Components

This folder contains all the custom files you create to build on existing components.

For more information, check out Replacing and Adding Components.

Files Drive

This section of the editor lets you upload and manage different types of files. You can then link to any of the uploaded files from any of the template pages.


This section of the editor lets you connect the templates editor to your Dropbox account. Once you've connected your Dropbox account to Nexudus, you can easily copy your Nexudus templates to Dropbox and transfer edited files from Dropbox to Nexudus.

For more information, check out Using Dropbox with the Template Editor.

User Roles for the Web Template Editor

All full unrestrcited admin have access to the editor and can edit any of its files by default. Restricted admins need a role that includes the same permissions as a developer on top of the basic Dashboard role.

For more information on the permissions required, check out Creating Accounts for Developers.

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