What's New - February 2023
  • 30 Aug 2023
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What's New - February 2023

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Here's a summary of all the new updates released by Nexudus in February 2023.

Control user access to your Members Portal FAQ

The FAQ page of your Members Portal used to be public by default. We've made it easier for you to change the visibility of FAQ pages on your Members Portal.

For more information, check out Configuring Members Portal Pages Visibility.

Fixed header in Roles

No need to scroll back up the permissions list to know the level access you're granting when creating your user roles — the header now always stays on top of the list as you go through each permission to let you build your roles more easily.


For more information, check out Roles and Role Permissions List.

Desk Availability on your Members Portal

We're excited to share this improvement to the Members Portal — desk availability is a Members Portal feature that lets your customers see how busy different locations are to help them pick the one they'd like to use.


For more information, check out Desk Availability.

Update to our terms of service

We'll officially update our terms of service on March 1st 2023. We've reached out to all customers via email to give every customer a chance to look at our new terms on January 31st.

For more information, check out Terms of Service - March 2023. You can also reach out to legal@nexudus.com before March 1st 2023 if you have any questions about our new terms.

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