What's New - June 2023
  • 19 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro

What's New - June 2023

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Another month, another busy cycle here at Nexudus! Here are some of the latest features and updates our team put out in June!

D12S sensors

D12S are compact optic sensors developed by Disruptive Technologies. They are designed to collect data about your space's environment every 5 to 15 minutes. This data is then available in Nexudus to help you and your team make better and smarter decisions.


For example, track temperature in different areas of your space to manage air-con/heating or know if a locked door has been left open for more than 15 mins.

For more information, check out D12S.

Sell products at a different price when purchased with a booking

Products can now have 2 prices — a price when purchased on their own and one price when they are purchased alongside a booking.


All you need to do is define the price of the products you link to resources via the resource's page on the Admin Panel.

For more information, check out Adding Products to Resources.

Jisti by 8x8

Jitsi was recently acquired by 8x8. If you were already using our integration, you'll need to open a Jisti by 8x8 account and repeat your integration process to continue using their services with Nexudus.

For more information, check out Jitsi .

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