Finding Floor Plan Item IDs
  • 18 Jul 2023
  • 1 minute to read
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Finding Floor Plan Item IDs

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Article summary

Floor plan items IDs are reference numbers that are unique to each item on your floor plan. This ID is a 10-digit number that never changes once you've created the item on your floor plan.

These IDs are internal and you won't need them unless you want to set up automation tiles, validation rules or use our API.

You can find the 10-digit ID of any desk, office, or resource linked to your floor plan in seconds by opening their record on the Admin Panel and looking at the URL of the page.


  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click on Inventory > Floor plan items.

  3. Click on the relevant floor plan item.

  4. In the URL bar of the page, copy and save the 10-digit number after the last /.

For example, if the URL is{"query, the ID of the desk is 1004270271.

Repeat the process for every other floor plan item ID you need.

Want to collect multiple floor plan item IDs at once?

Export your floor plan items and find the Name and FloorPlanId columns in the file. You'll get the ID and name of all your floor plan items in one go.

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