Fixing Export Error in Excel
  • 02 Jan 2024
  • 1 minute to read
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Fixing Export Error in Excel

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Article summary

Can't open your Nexudus export file directly after exporting it? Your version of Excel may be incompatible with the version we currently use for exports.

You can quickly fix this format incompatibility using Google Sheets.

  1. Upload your export file to your Google Drive.

  2. Open your export in Google Sheets.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Make a small change to the file, such as adding some data to a new cell.

  5. Click Files > Downloads > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).

Your new export should only take a few seconds to download. You can find the new file in the Downloads folder of your device.

All sorted! Repeat the process for every other export file you couldn't open in Excel. The new .xlxs export files should now work seamlessly with any version of Excel you use.

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