Hiding Locations on Your Members Portal
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 1 minute to read
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Hiding Locations on Your Members Portal

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Article summary

You can hide the Members Portal of any of your locations in a few clicks on the Admin Panel.

For example, you don't want customers to see your network location when they visit the Members Portal of a location within the network because you only use it for admin purposes.

Network location visibleNetwork location hidden

Another example would be opening a new location and not having this location appear in the list of available locations in the Network before your official launch.

Any user with the URL of your Members Portal will still be able to access and use it as they would any other Members Portal in your account.

Hiding a location only unlists it on the network location and any other location within the network.

  1. Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.

  2. Click Settings > Website.

  3. Toggle off Display this location in your website and the app.

  4. Click Save settings.

All done! The selected location won't appear on the Members Portal of other locations within the network.

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