- 21 May 2024
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
Integrating Assa Abloy Visionline
- Updated on 21 May 2024
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
What you need to integrate Assa Abloy Visionline
You need an Assa Abloy Visionline account and the following details from that account:
- Visionline Server address and port
- Visionline Server username and password
- Visionline Mobile Access account name
- Apache Tomcat session timeout (minutes)
- Visionline Door Range minimum and maximum
- Assa Abloy GS Tenant username and password
Once you have the details ready, you're ready to integrate Assa Abloy Visionline.
Integrating Assa Abloy Visionline
Step 1. Connecting Assa Abloy Visionline to Nexudus
Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.
- Click Settings > Integrations > Assa Abloy Visionline.
- Toggle on the Assa Abloy Visionline integration.
- Add the following details from your Assa Abloy Visionline account:
- Visionline Server address and port
- Visionline Server username
- Visionline Server password
- Visionline Mobile Access Account Name
- Apache Tomcat Session Timeout (minutes)
- Visionline Door Range - Minimum
- Visionline Door Range - Maximum
- Assa Abloy GS Tenant Username
- Assa Abloy GS Tenant Password
Click the Save Changes button.
Several new sections now appear under the integration details.
Step 2. Connecting Nexudus items to Assa Abloy Visionline
Once you've successfully connected the integration, all you need to do is assign Assa Abloy Visionline locks to the relevant Nexudus items.
Remember that every resource, pass, office, and desk must include all the doors required to enjoy your space based on the purchase.
All set! We strongly recommend testing your setup using a test customer to ensure the integration is working as expected.