Managing Newsletters
  • 27 Apr 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Managing Newsletters

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Article summary

Adding a Newsletter

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Community > Newsletters.

  3. Click Add newsletter.

  4. Add your newsletter's Subject.

  5. Select your Location.

  6. Drag and drop the different elements you want to add to your newsletter through the built-in editor.


Alternatively, you can pick a ready-made newsletter by clicking on Templates browser and edit it as needed.


  1. Add your content in each element.

  2. Click the Save Changes button.

Editing a Newsletter

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Community > Newsletters.

  3. Click on the newsletter you want to edit.

  4. Edit the newsletter as needed.

  5. Click the Save Changes button.

Deleting a Newsletter

You cannot recover deleted records in Nexudus.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Community > Newsletters.

  3. Click the three dots icon next to the newsletter you want to delete.

  4. Click delete in the pop-up menu.

  5. Click Yes to confirm your action.

Newsletter Dynamic Fields

You can add multiple dynamic fields to your newsletters to customize them. All the available fields are listed and detailed below:


Adds link that customers can click on to unsubscribe and stop receiving your newsletter.

Giving your customers the option to 'unsubscribe' from your newsletter is a legal requirement in multiple countries including the United Kingdom and the United Sates.

In order for the link to work you need to add the token in the newsletter's code using the snippet below.

<a href="{unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe</a>


Newsletter subcriber's full name.

This information is pulled from the subscriber record, not the customer's account.

For example, if a customer's name was originally John Doe and you change it to John Dowe, the {fullname} dynamic field will still use John Doe until you manually change their full name via their corresponding subscriber record.


Newsletter subscriber's first name.

This information is pulled from the subscriber record, not the customer's account.

For example, if a customer's first name was originally John and you change it to Jon, the {firstname} dynamic field will still use John until you manually change the first name via their corresponding subscriber record.


Newsletter subscriber's last name.

This information is pulled from the subscriber record, not the customer's account.

For example, if a customer's last name was originally Doe and you change it to, the {lastname} dynamic field will still use Doe until you manually change the last name via their corresponding subscriber record.


Newsletter subscriber's company name.

This information is pulled from the subscriber record, not the customer's account.

For example, if a customer's company name is Business in their account and you add {companyname} to your newsletter, Business won't appear in the newsletter unless you manually add it to the Company name field in their corresponding subscriber record.


Newsletter subscriber's email address.


Members Portal URL.


Newsletter subscriber's unique ID.


Newsletter subscriber's integer ID


Newsletter's unique ID.

Newsletter Editor

Nexudus provides a built-in text editor to build and edit your newsletters.

newsletter editor.png

The table below breaks down each setting of the editor.

image.pngFullScreenExpands the editor's window.
image.pngBoldFormats the selected text in bold.
image.pngItalicFormats the selected text in italic.
image.pngUnderlineUnderlines the selected text.
image.pngStrikethroughAdds a strike line over the selected text.
image.pngSubscriptMakes the selected text appear below the regular text line.
image.pngSuperscriptMakes the selected text appear above the regular text line.
image.pngFont FamilyApplies one of the following fonts to the selected text: Arial, Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and Verdana.
image.pngFont SizeDefines the selected text's font size (between 8 and 96).
image.pngColorsDefines the selected text's font and background colors.
image.pngParagraph StyleFormats the selected text in one or multiple of the following styles: gray, bordered, spaced, and uppercase.
image.pngParagraph FormatFormats the selected text into Headings ranging from 1 to 4.
image.pngAlignJustifies, centers or aligns to the left/right the selected text on the page.
image.pngOrdered ListCreates a numbered list.
image.pngUnordered ListCreates a bulleted list.
image.pngIndent Increase/DecreaseInserts and removes text indentation.
image.pngQuoteFormats the selected text as a quote.
image.pngInsert LinkAdds hyperlinks.
image.pngInsert ImageInserts images from your device (image.png), adds images as links (image.png) or adds images from your Image Gallery in Nexudus (image.png). Image files must be under 5MB.
image.pngInsert VideoInserts a link to (image.png), embeds (image.png) or uploads (image.png) a video. Video files must be under 5MB.
image.pngUpload FileInserts a file link to download. The file's content isn't displayed in the newsletter. Files must be under 5MB.
image.pngInsert TableInserts a table.
image.pngEmoticonsInserts a range of emojis.
image.pngSpecial CharactersInserts special characters, including accents.
image.pngHorizontal LineInserts a horizontal line to break content into sections.
image.pngSelect AllAutomatically selects the entire content.
image.pngClear FormattingRemoves all the formatting applied to the content.
image.pngPrintPrints the content.
image.pngHelpShows you the list of keyboard shortcuts for all the different formatting options.
image.pngCodeviewLets you see and edit the content using HTML.
image.pngUndo/RedoLets you undo the latest edits you've made to the content.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
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