Mapping Multiple Payment Accounts in Xero
  • 14 Mar 2024
  • 1 minute to read
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Mapping Multiple Payment Accounts in Xero

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Article summary

You can now transfer invoice payments to different payment accounts in Xero, based on the payment method the customer used to pay their invoice.


You can allocate invoice payments processed via Nexudus to up to 3 different Xero accounts:

  • Default payments account — for any type of payment processed in Nexudus that isn't GoCardless or a payment gateway.
  • GoCardless payments account — for any invoice payment processed via GoCardless in Nexudus.
  • Payment Gateway payments account — for any invoice payment processed via a card payment gateway in Nexudus.
How do I know if the card payment method I'm using is a payment gateway?

Open your card payment method on the Admin Panel and see if it supports Initiate refunds from within Nexudus. If it does, it's a payment gateway.

All you need is a Financial Accounts for any or all of them in Nexudus. The payment accounts you create in Nexudus must match the corresponding payment account in Xero (name and code).

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