Reordering Dashboard Tabs
  • 30 Aug 2023
  • 1 minute to read
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Reordering Dashboard Tabs

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Article summary

You can reorder all the default and custom dashboard tabs that you see when you log in to the Admin Panel.

Reordering tabs only impacts your own home dashboard.

Other admins see the default version of the home dashboard or their own version if they customize their dashboard.


  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click on Dashboard.

  3. Click on the cog icon in the top right corner of the page.

  4. Click on the three-line icon next to the home dashboard you want to move.

  5. Drag and drop the home dashboard up or down the list.

We automatically save the new order every time you drop the selected tab.

  1. Click Close once you're happy with the order.

You can reorder any of your home dashboards at any point and even hide tabs you don't use.

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