Tax Settings
  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 1 minute to read
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Tax Settings

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Article summary

The Tax tab lets you create custom tax rates, edit your default tax rate.

You can access the Tax tab via Settings > Invoice and tax on the Admin Panel

Tax settings

Add tax to invoices

This toggle lets you include tax on your invoices. If you disable this toggle, none of the invoices your space issues will include tax.

Prices typed in the back-end include tax

This toggle lets you include tax in the prices you define in all the items you sell.

For example, with this toggle enabled and a tax rate of 20%, if a product is priced $100, your space effectively sells it at $80 with a 20% tax.

Display prices including tax on the website, the app and all email notifications to customers

This toggle lets you include tax in the price of all the items you sell through Nexudus. If you leave this toggle disabled, tax will only be added to the final price at checkout.

Default tax rate

Nexudus applies a default tax rate of 20% to all items that don't have an assigned custom tax rate. You can edit this default tax rate at any point.

Tax rates

This section lets you define custom tax rates. You can create as many custom tax rates as you need and then assing them to the relevant items through your chart of account.


For more information, check out Tax Rates and Assigning Tax Rates.

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