- 05 Jun 2023
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
Invoice Dates
- Updated on 05 Jun 2023
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
All invoices you issue through Nexudus include up to 3 dates:
- A Period on invoices that include plans
- A Date on all invoices
- A Due on date on all invoices
The Period dates are the time period covered by the invoice if it includes one or more plans. It starts on the contract's billing day and ends based on the contract's default billing period.
For example, a contract billed on the 1st of every month based for a monthly plan would have an invoice Period covering January 1st to February 1st.
You can edit the Period dates on any invoice without affecting the related plan or contract dates.
The invoice Date is the day you issue the invoice. It defaults to the current date for invoices that you issue manually and invoices that we automatically issue when customers make purchases and pay for them through the Members Portal.
It defaults to the contract's billing day on invoices we automatically issue for contracts.
Due on
The Due on date defines when the invoice status switches from Unpaid to Due in Nexudus.
Unless the customer has enough credit to cover the invoice or they manually paid the invoice on the Members Portal, no payment starts processing before the invoice becomes due.
The Due on date is automatically calculated based on the number of days you define via Settings > Payments and currency > Auto-payments unless:
- You've defined a Personal due date period for a customer via their Account > Contact and Billing details.
In this scenario, we ignore the general due date period and use the personal one defined for that customer instead.
- You've enabled the Contract invoices should have a due date based on the start date of their period toggle via Settings > Invoice and tax > Contents.
In this scenario, the due date of all invoices that include plans matches the contract's billing day by default. This setting overrides both the general and personal due date periods.
You can edit that date on any invoice and override the original Due on date.