Using TopBrewer by Scanomat
  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 1 minute to read
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Using TopBrewer by Scanomat

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Article summary

Using your TopBrewer to make a coffee is a very simple process. All you need is the Passport app on your phone.

  1. Select your coffee of choice from the selection screen of the TopBrewer's accompanying iPad menu.

  2. Adjust your preferences such as coffee strength, milk type and the number of cups required.


  1. Select Next Step: Pay.

  2. Place your cup under the TopBrewer's tap.

  3. Open your Passport app.

  4. Tap on the QR code tile.

You should now see your unique QR code.


  1. Hold the QR code in front of the iPad’s camera, making sure the QR code is within the camera's frame.

In a matter of seconds, your coffee is ready to enjoy! The charge for your coffee is automatically added to your next invoice.

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