Imports Glossary
  • 03 May 2023
  • 3 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Imports Glossary

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

All the columns for each of the imports files we make available on the Admin Panel are detailed below. We let you know the format we need for smooth and error-free imports, as well as whether or not the column is required or optional.


LocationLocation where the asset is available.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with the relevant location in your Nexudus account.Required
NameName of the asset.Assets can share the same name as long as they all have a unique SKU.Required
DescriptionDescription of the asset.Optional
SKUStock keeping unit of the asset.Must be unique to each asset.Required only if multiple assets share the same Name.
ValueEstimated value of the asset. This is just a guideline should you need to charge the customer for damage or loss.Optional
CoworkerIdID of the customer assigned the asset.Optional
CoworkerEmailEmail of the customer assigmed the asset.Required if you fill out CoworkerNotes, CoworkerAssignedFrom, or CoworkerAssignedTo.
CoworkerNotesNotes you want to link to the asset assigned to a customer.Optional, but you must fill out CoworkerEmail and CoworkerAssignedFrom to import this column.
CoworkerAssignedFromDate when the asset was assigned to the customer.yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmRequired if you fill out CoworkerEmail or CoworkerNote.
CoworkerAssignedToDate when the asset was returned by the customer.yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmOptional


This file lets you import products to your Nexudus Inventory.

LocationLocation where the product is available.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with the relevant location in your Nexudus account.Required
NameName of the product.Required
DisplayOrderDisplay order of the product on the Members Portal.Use 10 or 100 increments to make it easier to order new products later. For example, product 1 - 100 , product 2 - 200, product 3 - 300, etc.Optional
DescriptionDescription fo the product displayed on the Admin Panel and the Members Portal.Optional
PricePrice of the product per unit.Required
TagsTags that can be used to filter products on the Admin Panel and the Members Portal.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) for all products sharing the tag.Optional
SKUStock keeping unit of the product.Must be unique to each productOptional
VisibleMake the product visible on the Members Portal for customers to purchase.YES or NORequired
AvailabilityMake the product only purchasable as a one-off or both as a one-off and on a recurring basis.OnlyOneOff or RecurrentOrOneOffRequired

Product sales

This files lets you import product sales and add them to customer acconts in Nexudus.

You must import your products and customers or create them directly on the Admin Panel before importing product sales.

LocationLocation where the product is sold to a customer.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with the relevant location in your Nexudus account.Required
EmailEmail of the customer that should be invoiced for the product purchase.Must be an exact match with the email of an existing customer in your Nexudus account.Required
ProductNameName of the product.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with an exisiting product in your location's Inventory.Required
RegularChargeCharge the customer for the product every time their main contract is renewed. For contacts, the product is sold every time an invoice is raised.YES or NO -  if you say YES, the product sold must also be available as a recurrent product. Required
QuantityNiumber of units of the product sold to the customer.Required
PricePrice of the product per unit. This price can be different from the product's price on the Admin Panel.Required
ActivateNowRelease the benefits linked to the product as soon as the product is added to the customer's account, whether or not they've paid for it.YES or NORequired
DueDateDate when the customer's first invoice for the product becomes due.yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmRequired
InvoiceOnDate when you first want to invoice the customer for the product.yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmRequired
RepeatUntilDate until when the product should be invoiced.yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmRequired
InvoiceThisCustomerInvoice the customer for the purchase instead of their team's paying customer.YES or NORequired


This import file lets you import newsletter subscribers.

FullNameFirst and last name of the subscriber.Required
CompanyNameName of the subscriber company.Optional
ReasonSource that brought the subscriber.Optional
EmailEmail address of the subscriber.Required
GroupSubscriber group the subscriber belongs to.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with an existing subscriber group in your Nexudus account.Optional

Event attendees

Email of the customer attending the event.

Required if no AttendeeEmail
Name of the customer attending the event.

Required if no AttendeeName
Name of the person attending the event.
Required if no CoworkerEmail
Name of the person attending the event.

Required if no CoworkerName


Name of the event.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with an existing event in your Nexudus account.
Name of the event tickets being purchased.Must be an exact match (spelling and case) with an existing ticket type in your Nexudus account.
Purchase order number of the customer, if any. 


Date when the invoice for the event ticket should become due. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm

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