Adding Assets to Document Templates
  • 28 Jun 2022
  • 1 minute to read
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Adding Assets to Document Templates

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Article summary

Assets can be included in any document template to generate documents that includes assets data. The merge fields dedicated to assets can be found under the Assets folder of the Document Template Editor.


Assets Merge Fields

The table below breaks down the different merge fields available for assets.

Merge Field NameField Details
AssignedFromDate and time when the asset was assigned to the occupier.
AssignedToDate and time when the assigned asset is expected back.
BusinessIdLocation number.
CoworkerCoworkerTypeType of occupier record (company or individual).
CoworkerFullNameOccupier's name.
CoworkerIdOccupier's ID number in Nexudus.
CoworkerTeamNamesName of the occupier's team.
CreatedOnDate and time when the asset was created in Nexudus.
IdId of the record that was created when the asset was assigned to the occupier.
InventoryAssetIdAsset ID number in Nexudus.
InventoryAssetSKUSKU of the asset.
InventoryAssetNameName of the asset.
InventoryAssetUniqueIdGlobal unique ID for the asset's record.
InventoryAssetValueValue of the asset.
IsNewAlways FALSE for assets.
LocalizationDetailsEmpty field.
NotesText added to the Notes field of the assigned asset.
SystemIdId of the asset's record in Nexudus. Developer use only.
ToStringTextObject's string (name of the asset).
UniqueIdGlobal unique ID of the record created when the asset was added to the Inventory.
UpdatedByEmail address of the admin who made the last update on the asset's record.
UpdatedOnDate and time of the last update made to the asset's record.

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