  • 27 Apr 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Article summary

What are Passes?

Passes are benefits that allow customers to check into your space. When a customer check in, it tells Nexudus that the individual is physically at one of your locations. Passes can be valid for a single calendar day (day passes) or for up to a specific number of minutes across multiple days (time passes).
If you use an access control system integration or a Wi-Fi network connected to Nexudus, you can use passes to grant door/internet access to customers.

If you manage a network of locations, passes can be created at the network level and made available in all other locations.

Pass Types

There are three types of passes available in Nexudus.

Day Passes

A day pass is valid for a calendar day, regardless of how many times the customer checks in and out of your space within the day. Customers using day passes can check in and out multiple times during the day using the same pass.

For example, a member with days passes coming from their plan could check in at 9a.m., check out at 1p.m. for their lunch break and check back in at 2p.m., all while using a single day pass.

Day passes don't have a price and can't be sold on their own.

You need to add them to products or plans if you want to sell them to customers.

Time Passes

Another option is to provide time-based passes. Time passes include a set number of check-in minutes that customers can use. Time passes, unlike day passes, can be used over the course of several days until they run out of time.

For example, a contact with a time pass that include 8 hours of access can check in for 2 hours on Monday, 1 hour on Wednesday and 5 hours on Thursday.

Time passes don't have a price and can't be sold on their own.

You need to add them to products or plans if you want to sell them to customers.

Pay as you go Passes

Pay as you go passes are passes that are automatically sold to customers trying to check in without a valid day or time pass in their account. PAYG are chaged in 15 minute increments based on their defined hourly price. You can make PAYG passes available to members, contact or both at the same time. You can also cap your PAYG passes pricing.

For example, you can set up a PAYG pass that's priced $10/hour for members and another PAYG pass that's priced $15/hour for contacts with a $100 daily cap for both.

Adding Passes to Customers

You can add passes to customer's account in the following ways:

As part of plans

Plans can include different benefits, one of them being time and day passes. Passes included as plan benefits aren't charged, so you need to manually factor their value into the plan's total price.

For example, your monthly plans include 30 day passes and you want to cover some of the cost of your access control system by charging members $2 per day pass issued, you'll need to add $60 to your plan's total price to cover this access charge.

As part of a product

Products can also include different benefits, one of them being time and day passes. Passes included as product benefits aren't charged, so you need to manually factor their value into the product's total price.

For example, you offer products that include a 10 hour time of 1 day pass. If you want to charge customers $50 per pass purchased, you'll need to set the product's price to $50 or more.

Directly through a customer's account

You can directly add passes to a customer's account through the Admin Panel. All you need to do is open a customer's record, click on the Benefits tab and then add the relevant passes. Passes you add the the customer's account will never be charged. You can use this method to add passes to a customer account as a one-off benefit and set an expiration date for the passes.

For example, a member was missing a couple of day passes this month and you manually add two Day Passes to their account wih an expiration date set to the end of the month.

As a Pay As You Go (PAYG) passes

Pay as you go passes are automatically sold to customers who try to check in without a valid pass in their account. Pay as you go passes are charged in 15 minute increments based on the pass price.You can have multiple PAYG passes dedicated to members, contacts or available to both with a different price for each of them.

For example, if your PAYG pass for members is priced at $50 for 8 hours of access and a member who ran out of plan passes stays 4 hours, they'll be charged $25.

Passes Usage

The order in which passes are used will depend on each user's scenario, but here are some general rules:

  • Day passes are always used before time passes.
  • Cheaper passes are used first, even if the pass is a plan or product benefit.
  • Passes coming from plans and products are used before passes that are added/sold manually.
  • Passes linked to fewer locations are used before those linked to more locations.
  • Time passes with more remaining time are used before those with less time.
  • For customers who are part of teams with Credit sharing enabled, individual passes are used before passes shared within the team.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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