- 29 Jun 2022
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
Troubleshooting Import Errors
- Updated on 29 Jun 2022
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
Identify and fix common import errors.
Failed to build preview, please check your file matches the template
This message appears when Nexudus can't recognize the structure of your file. A few issues can cause this error message:
1. You uploaded your file from the wrong tab on the Imports page.
Double check you are in the right tab on the Imports page before you try to upload your file again. For example, if you're trying to upload a Resources import template, make sure you're on the Resources tab of the Imports page.
2. You removed or edited a column header on the import template.
Download a blank import template file and compare it to your edited import template. The column names in row 1 should be identical on both files. If they aren't, change your edited import template to match the blank import template.
3. You didn't fill out a required column.
Compare the dummy data of your blank import template with your edited import template. Columns that are required always have dummy data. Optional columns are left blank.
Special characters aren't displayed properly
Some rows of your import file can display a question mark icon instead of special accents such as ñ, ã, è, í and such. This is issue is caused by saving the file using an encoding format that doesn't support special characters such as ANSI.
You can easily fix this issue by opening the file in TextEdit (Mac) or Notepad (PC) and saving your import file again, making sure you select UTF-8 as the encoding format.
You should now be able to upload the import file and have the relevant special characters displayed properly on the Admin Panel.
Get in touch with us at support@nexudus.com and one of our support experts will help you out.