- 06 Mar 2023
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
Understanding robots.txt and sitemap.xml files
- Updated on 06 Mar 2023
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
All User Portals include two files that are used for search engine referencing.
The robots.txt file lets search engines know which pages of your User Portal are accessible to the public. You can access your User Portal robots.txt file using any browser. All you need to do is add /robots.txt at the end of your User Portal domain.
For example, if your User Portal domain is coworking.com, you can access your portal's robot.txt file by adding coworking.com/robots.txt in any browser tab's URL.
The sitmap.xml file lets search engines know how each page of your User Portal are accessible by providing the structure of the site. You can access your User Portal sitemap.xml file using any browser. All you need to do is add /sitemap.xml at the end of your User Portal domain.
For example, if your User Portal domain is coworking.com, you can access your portal's robot.txt file by adding coworking.com/sitemap.xml in any browser tab's URL.