Using Google Calendar (Administrator)
    • 29 Jun 2022
    • 1 minute to read
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    Using Google Calendar (Administrator)

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    Article summary

    Once you've enabled the Google Calendar integration for admins, any Nexudus admin you've added to the relevant calendars will be able to place bookings for customers from Google Calendar.

    You can create new bookings in Nexudus by creating a Google Calendar event. Make sure you add the relevant occupier's email in the guests section and select the calendar connected to the resource you want to book for them.


    The first guest you add will always be the occupier in charge for the booking in Nexudus if we can match their email to an existing occupier. If we can't find a occupier based on their email, we'll still sync it in Nexudus without a occupier.

    Any title you add to the event isn't synced in Nexudus as there's no booking title field in Nexudus booking records.

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    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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