Expand the product units drop-down on the Members Portal
  • 24 May 2024
  • 1 minute to read
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Expand the product units drop-down on the Members Portal

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Article summary

Customers can select up to 10 units of a product on the Members Portal by default. This limit in the drop-down menu applies regardless of the number of product units you have available.

While this number is enough in most scenarios, it can prevent customers from purchasing larger quantities of a product in one go. You can easily expand the maximum number of product units customers can select at once on the Members Portal in a few easy steps.

  1. Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.

  2. Click on the Pages & components folder. 

  3. Click Add file

  4. Name the file CardProduct.jsx and press Enter.

  5. Scroll to line 129 and change 11 to the maximum number you'd like to have in the drop-down plus one.

For example, if you want the drop-down to show up to 100 units, change 11 to 101.

If the product's stock falls below the new drop-down list number, we automatically display the maximum number of units the customer can still purchase.
  1. Click the Save button. 

All set! If you refresh your Members Portal products page, the units drop-down list should now include the new maximum number of units.

Can't see any changes on your drop-down?

Go back to line 129 on the CardProduct.jsx file, check that you've edited the number of units, and save your changes again. If the issue persists, contact support.

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