- 09 Feb 2024
- 3 minutes to read
- DarkLight
Integrating TopBrewer by Scanomat
- Updated on 09 Feb 2024
- 3 minutes to read
- DarkLight
What you need to integrate TopBrewer by Scanomat
Before you integrate TopBrewer by Scanomat with Nexudus, make sure you meet all the following requirements.
A TopBrewer by Scanomat account
If you don't have a Scanomat account yet, get in touch with TopBrewer by Scanomat via their contact form. They will help you open your account and have the TopBrewer by Scanomat installed in your space.
Mention that you want to integrate TopBrewer by Scanomat with Nexudus during the installation so that the TopBrewer by Scanomat technician can show you how to connect to Nexudus via the TopBrewer by Scanomat app.
A TopBrewer by Scanomat product
You need to create a product dedicated to TopBrewer by Scanomat drinks in your Nexudus account. This product is the line item that appears on customer invoices.
Just make sure your TopBrewer by Scanomat product is internal and priced at 0 since drinks pricing should already be set in TopBrewer by Scanomat.
A full unrestricted admin dedicated to TopBrewer by Scanomat
We recommend using an admin dedicated to TopBrewer by Scanomat to ensure a smooth integration.
For more information, check out Adding Admins.
A shared secret for TopBrewer by Scanomat and Nexudus
You need to create a shared secret to use in Scanomat and Nexudus. A shared secret is simply a password that you define to allow both systems to communicate.
You can generate a shared secret from a website such as https://passwordsgenerator.net. Once you have your shared secret, copy and save it somewhere safe. You need this shared secret every step of the integration process.
Your Members Portal default URL
You need your Members Portal default URL to integrate TopBrewer by Scanomat. You can find this URL under Settings > Website on the Admin Panel. Copy and save this URL somewhere. You need this URL in the first step of the integration process.
Integrating TopBrewer by Scanomat
Integrating TopBrewer by Scanomat is a three-step process:
- Creating the QR code that your customers will scan to get their drinks via the Passport app settings on the Admin Panel.
- Enabling the Scanomat integration on the Admin Panel.
- Sharing your Shared Secret with TopBrewer by Scanomat.
Step 1 . Creating a QR Code on the Passport app
The first step of the process is creating the QR code your customers need to scan to get their drinks started on the TopBrewer. We use the custom page feature available on the standard and white-label versions of the Passport app to generate this QR code.
Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.
- Click
- Toggle on Custom page.
- Add the name of the tile in the Custom page title field.
- Add the following URL in the Custom page URL field.
https://{your domain}/en/integrations/scanomat/customerqr
- Replace {your domain} in the URL with your Members Portal default URL.
For example, if your Members Portal URL is kalkio.spaces.nexudus.com, your full URL should be https://kalkio.spaces.nexudus.com/en/content/customerqr?id={userid}
Toggle on Show in app home page if you want the Scanomat QR code to be on the home page of your app.
Add your shared secret in the Custom page shared secret field.
Click the Save Changes button.
Now that you have a QR code set up in the Passport app or its white-label equivalent, you can enable the integration on the Admin Panel.
Step 2. Enabling the TopBrewer by Scanomat Integration
Log in to dashboard.nexudus.com if you aren't already.
Toggle on the TopBrewer by Scanomat integration.
Select the dedicated product in the Coffee and Drinks product drop-down list.
Define a Maximum amount on account if you want to cap how much members can add to their next invoices in TopBrewer by Scanomat purchases.
Add your Shared secret.
Click the Save Changes button.
The TopBrewer by Scanomat tile now appears in the Available integrations section at the top of the page.
Step 3. Adding your Shared Secret in TopBrewer by Scanomat
During the installation process, your technician should have shown you how to access a specific menu to log in to your Nexudus account and share the secret key from the TopBrewer by Scanomat app.
If you didn't get to ask the technician how to access this menu, get in touch with TopBrewer by Scanomat's technical team via their contact form. They will help you access the right menu and share your secret key to finish the integration.
Once the shared secret is updated in TopBrewer by Scanomat, you're all set! Your customers can start using the app to get their coffee via TopBrewer by Scanomat. Their purchases are automatically synced in Nexudus.
For more information, check out Using TopBrewer by Scanomat.