NexKiosk Settings
  • 14 Feb 2024
  • 1 minute to read
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NexKiosk Settings

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Article summary

You can access NexKiosk settings from the Settings section on the Admin Panel.

Disabling NexKiosk

You can stop the use of NexKiosk in any of the locations where it was initially activated.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Settings > Companion app > NexKIOSK.

  3. Toggle off NexKiosk .

  4. Click Save settings.

The location is now unable to use the NexKiosk app.

Disabling the Add to Next Bill Option

You can prevent customers from adding their purchases to their next invoice by turning off the Let customers add products to their next bill when in Kiosk mode toggle.

This setting only applies to Kiosk mode.

Admins using the Epos mode always have the option to add the customer's purchases to their next invoice.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Settings > Companion app > NexKIOSK.

  3. Toggle off Let customers add products to their next bill when in Kiosk mode.

  4. Click Save settings.

Customers are now only able to pay for their purchases via debit or credit card.

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