- 18 Mar 2024
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
Contract Price Schedules
- Updated on 18 Mar 2024
- 1 minute to read
- DarkLight
What are Contract Price Schedules?
Contract price schedules are a quick and easy way to discount new and existing contracts. Offer timed discounts to drive new memberships and reward loyal members who've stuck with you over a certain amount of time.
For example, offer 15% off their first month, 10% on their second, and 5% on their third, before having them pay full price from their 4th month onward.
Contract price schedules can apply to any contract, including contracts you add to proposals.
How Contract Price Schedules work
Price schedules are simple and easy to use. You either create a contract or open an existing one. You can then set up your contract schedule, spanning for up to 10 years from the current billing cycle.
For example, if a contract is billed on the first of every month, price schedules can only start from the first of any given month.
For more information, check out Adding Price Schedules.
Can I create a price schedule for existing contracts?
Yes, you can create contract schedules for any existing contract, but the schedule can only start from the contract's next billing cycle. For example, if the contract was already billed for March, the schedule can only start from April onward.
Do price schedules generate new contracts?
No, price schedules are different from contract upgrades and downgrades in that they're just a price adjustment for the same contract. The benefits members get from the plan linked to the contract won't change and every new billing cycle on the schedule only impacts the contract's price.