Adding Assets
  • 28 Jun 2022
  • 2 minutes to read
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Adding Assets

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Article summary

You can access your assets and add new ones from the Inventory section of the Admin Panel.

Adding Assets to Your Inventory

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Inventory > Equipment.

  3. Click Add inventory asset.

  4. Name your asset.

  5. Select the Location of the asset.

  6. Add any necessary Notes on the asset.

  7. Add a unique reference for the asset in the SKU field.

While multiple assets can share the same name, each asset's SKU must be unique.
  1. Click Upload image and select the relevant file from your device if you want to add a photo to the asset.

  2. Click the Save Changes button.

Adding Assets in Bulk

You can also create multiple copies of any existing asset. This is useful when you want to create a large number of nearly identical assets.

For example, if you want to add 100 office chairs as inventory assets, you just need to create 1 chair asset and then generate 99 copies with the same name and settings in just a few clicks.

Asset copies are automatically named and numbered based on the original asset's name and SKU.

If you create 49 copies of a desk asset with a SKU that is DSK-1, the copies will automatically be numbered DSK-2, DSK-3, DSK-4, etc. up to DSK-50.

If you create 200 copies of an access fob asset with a SKU that is AC20, the copies will automatically be numbered AC21, AC22, AC23, etc. up to AC220.

  1. Log in to if you aren't already.

  2. Click Inventory > Equipment.

  3. Ticke the checkbox next to an asset that you want to copy.

  4. Click Create in bulk in the Bulk Actions menu.

  5. Define the number of copies you want to create.

  6. Click Yes, do it to confirm.

Your asset copies are now in your inventory. You can repeat the process for any other asset.

The next step is to assign the assets to occupiers.

Assets Settings

Each asset includes the following fields numbered from 1 to 6.


NumberField NameDetails
1NameName of the asset. Multiple assets can share the same name, as long as tey have a unique SKU.
2LocationLocation of the asset. Assets are bound to the location where you add them.
3NotesAny notes you want to share with other admin about the asset. For example, if a laptop screen is scratched or a chair is broken, you can add notes on it.
4SKUStock keeping unit. SKU must be unique to each asset
5ValueMonetary value of the asset. This value is for your own reference and reporting.
6ImageImage of the asset. Files must be under 5MB

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