Active Users Count
    • 04 Sep 2023
    • 1 minute to read
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    Active Users Count

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    Article summary

    Ever wondered how many of your customers are considered active users in Nexudus? Look no further than your active user count!

    Nexudus charges you every month based on the number of active users in each of your locations. You can check your active user count at any time under Settings > Your Nexudus subscription > Active users on the Admin Panel.


    The Source column lets you know what made each customer an active user at a glance. You can also easily filter your active users list based on their source. Conditions that turn customers into active users are:

    • having an active contract
    • being in a team with merged billing
    • making a booking
    • being invoiced
    • having a recurring product

    For more information, check out Who is Considered an Active User in Nexudus.


    Do suspended customers count as active users?

    If you suspend customers who only had active contracts, we won't count them as active users for that month. If suspended customers meet any other condition, we add them to your active user count for that month.

    Why is the active user count on my invoice higher than on the Admin Panel?

    Based on when we invoice you, you may see a slightly lower number of active users on the Admin Panel for several reasons:

    • Contacts with bookings, invoices, or recurring products in the previous month don't count towards your total for the following month until they meet any other condition again.

    • Members who had an active contract set to cancel after we invoice you don't count towards your total for the following month until they meet any other condition again.

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